Showing commands by slicedlime
slicedlime's experience level: 31
10 XP
Gravesby slicedlime52612
A re-creation of the Graves from OpenBlocks in Vanilla Minecraft - when you die, you will get a grave that contains all your dropped items. They will never despawn! Once you break your grave, you get the items back.
Explosions with Flying Debrisby slicedlime4407
I've made explosions that behave like real explosions - mayhem with blocks flying in all directions, kicking up dirt and stone all over the place! So much fun!
Better Multiplayer Sleepingby slicedlime17012
A system to let only some of the players on a server sleep in order to skip the night. This was done for a request from one of my viewers. To install, just run the command and then select a percentage using the command /scoreboard players set Percentage Sleep YourNumberHere