Showing commands by creeper360killer
creeper360killer's experience level: 13
10 XP
Attack on Titanby creeper360killer7942
This one command adds in one of the most popular animes out there- Attack on Titan! To get a Cadet Corps Workbench, throw an anvil and a coal block on the ground together. Right-click with the egg on the ground to place it down. To access the crafting interface, right-click above the dropper. The recipes will be shown on your screen. Titans will spawn whenever there is dirt 2 blocks below you. To kill a titan, you have to hit it on the head(nape of the neck is too precise for minecraft). The titans will one-hit kill you. When you have on all the cadet armor and the flesh-pairing blades in your first slot, you will get speed 2 and jump boost 2. To refill your 3D Maneuvering Gear with gas, craft the gas and throw it at your feet. Use the gear like a normal fishing rod. You will get teleported to the bobber when it hits the ground. Sorry I haven't been posting lately, I've been very busy. I hope you enjoy my new command- Attack on Titan!
More Foodby creeper360killer49711
This command adds corn, onions, tomatoes, and rice into your vanilla Minecraft world. You get corn seeds and onions by breaking grass. To get tomato seeds, break double tall grass. Rice comes from breaking lilypads. You can plant the crops by throwing the seeds(corn and tomatoes) or the crop(rice and onions) onto farmland. The crops grow in approximately 6 minutes. You can harvest the crops by breaking the player skull. To get cheese, place a cauldron on top of fire(see diagram in source commands) and throw a milk bucket on top(You will get your bucket back). You can make an omelette by throwing an egg onto the same structure. Throw mushroom stew and rice together to get stew on rice. To make a sandwich, throw rotten flesh and bread together(I did this so you would have a use for rotten flesh). This command took me over a week to make and is 19028 characters long.